Prof Benno Brinkhaus
European Society of Integrative Medicine Charité-Universitätsmedizin. (Berlin/DE)
Dra. Alejandra Menasa
President of SESMI
Internist, Hospital Doce de Octubre. Internal Medicine Department of CMI (Clinic of Integrative Medicine). (Madrid/SP) Bio
Jacomina kistemaker
Dutch psychologist and the founder and designer of Centro Punta de Couso. (Pontevedra/SP)
Dra. Isabel Giralt
Vice President SESMI, Acupuncture and Natural Medicine Clinic ENERGIMED. Health Acupuncture Unit, Dexeus University Women's Clinic. (Barcelona/SP)
Prof. Pere Gascón
Medical Oncology Service of the Hospital Clínic, Molecular and Translational Oncology Laboratory of the University of Barcelona. (Barcelona/SP)
Jorge Vas, MD, PhD
Pain treatment unit. Research Group on Complementary and Alternative Medicines Dos Hermanas. (Sevilla/SP)
Prof. Carmen Salgado
Licenciada en farmacia, investigadora y asesora técnica en homeopatía y suplementación ortomolecular. Technical director “Herbarum Natura”. (Madrid/SP)
Xevi Verdaguer Renart
Physiotherapy, PsychoNeuro Immunologist and scientific adviser. (Barcelona/SP)
Javier Mata
Head of Section at the Anaesthesiology and Clinical Pain department of Son Llàtzer University Hospital. Research Group on Pain. Neurosciences Group at (IdISBa). (Islas Baleares/SP) Bio
Dr. David Vinyes
Director médico del Institut de Terapia neural i Medicina Reguladora. Miembro del Comité Científico y Ético de la International Federation of Medical Associations of Neural Therapy. (Austria)
Dra. Cristina Abadia
Integrative Medicine Unit, Terrassa Health Consortium. (Barcelona/SP)
Prof. JC Crespo de la Rosa
Department of Pharmacology, Pediatrics and Radiology of the University of Sevilla. President of the AESMI. (Sevilla/SP)
Prof. Jordi A. Jauset
Professor and university researcher. Science writer of the effects of music on health and education. (Barcelona/SP)
Dr. Sergio Mejía
Cardiology specialist. (Málaga/SP)
Dr. Tomás Alvaro
Centro de Salud Integral Arjuna Tortosa. Verge de la Cinta Hospital, Tortosa. (Tarragona/SP)
Dra. Lola de la Puerta
Integrative medicine and anti-aging health. (Madrid/SP)
Dr. Javier Espinosa
Medical Oncology Service of the General Hospital of Ciudad Real. (Ciudad Real/SP)
Pere León
Architect and geobiologist. (Barcelona/SP)
Dr. Bernat Vanaclocha
Centre Natura. Fitoterapia, medicina naturista, acupuntura. Cita Publications and Documentation SL. (Carlet Valencia/SP)
Dra. Bibiana Carrasco
Medical Doctor, Pediatric Surgeon Specialist, Massagist and Reflexologist. (Barcelona/SP)
Dr. William Shaw
Ph.D. in biochemistry and human physiology, board certified in clinical chemistry and toxicology. University Missouri. (Kansas City/US)
Prof. Madan Thangavelu
Genome Biologist. Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge. Research Director, European Ayurveda Association. (Cambridge/UK)
Dra. Celia vives Puig
Ginecóloga y Obstetra, especialista Fertilidad y Medicina Reproducción. Hosp. Sant Joan de Reus y Centro de Reproducción Humana Asistida y Diagnóstico Prenatal Embriogyn. (Tarragona/SP)
Dr. Nicolás Olea
Professor of Radiology and Physical Medicine, Institute of Biosanitary Research ibs, Granada University. (Granada/SP)
Dr. Vijay Carolin
Ayurveda Doctor with B.A.M.S. degree. Postgraduation in Drug Research, Development and control. (Barcelona/SP)
Prof. Carles Fernández
School of Health Science Blanquerna, Ramón Llull University. (Barcelona/SP)
Dra. Ana Belén Fernández Cervilla
Nursing, PhD in Nursing Sciences and professor collaborating doctor in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. (Barcelona/SP)
Miguel Ángel Amézaga
Physiotherapist, Kinesiologist and osteopath, expert in sports physiotherapy and NLP. (Roquetes, Tarragona/SP)
Dra. Cristina Pellicer
Physical Doctor, Medical Director of an IM Center. Master’s in Clinical Oncology, Medical Acupuncture and in Clinical Psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology. (Barcelona/SP)
Dr. Yecenia López Márquez
General Practitioner and Homeopath in Lyon (FR). Medical assistant of the Hepato-gastro-enterology Service of the Hospital de la Croix Rousse in Lyon. (Lyon/FR)
Dr. Santos Martín
Licenciado en Medicina y Cirugía en la Facultad de Valencia. (Barcelona/SP)
Dr Jorge Pérez-Calvo Soler
Experto en Medicina Nutricional, Dietoterapia y Medicina Tradicional China. (Barcelona/SP)
Dra. Josepa Rigau
Licenciada en Medicina y Cirugía. Especialista Universitario y Master en Medicina Biológica y Antienvejecimiento. Máster en Farmacogenética, Farmacogenómica y Medicina Personalizada. (Tarragona/SP)
Alyx Taylor
Associate Editor Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice
Virginia Prada Lopez
Elsevier Publisher – Health Medical Sciences
Dr. Daniel García Pérez
Doctorado en ciencias de la Salud. Máster Universitario en Neurocontrol Motor. Instructor de Chi kung y Meditación Taoísta.
Thora Jenny Gunnarsdottir, RN, PhD
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Nursing, University of Iceland. Research area and specialization are chronically ill patents, complementary and alternative therapies in nursing fibromyalgia and fatigue.
Prof. Mike Cummings
Medical Director of the British Medical Acupuncture Society (BMAS). (UK)
Prof. Mary Jo Kreitzer
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. (US)
Dr. Gualberto Díaz
Homeopathic doctor and integrative oncologist in Medical Centers Conde Orgaz y Pinar. Editorial advisor. (Madrid/SP)
Dra. Alegria Montoro
Radiological Protection Service. University Hospital La Fe. (Valencia/SP)
Prof. Serena Brigidi
Ph.D Medical Anthropology, Departament Ciències Socials i Benestar. Facultat de Ciències de la Salut i Benestar. UVic-UCC. (Girona/SP)
Prof. Pol De Saedeleer
Chairman of the European ILADS Committee. Chairman of the European ILADS Committee. (BG)
Dr. Elio Rossi
Director of the Coordination Center for Complementary Medicine of Health Unit Tuscany North west. Listened as expert on AIDS and homeopathic therapy. (Tuscany/IT)
Carmen Santana
Co-funder Archikubik,architecture, urbanism and urban landscape. (Barcelona/SP)
Dra. Carmen Navarro
Micronutrition and Diet Therapy expert. Medical Director of the GAIA Clinic. Specialized consultation in Environmental Medicine. (Madrid/SP)
Prof. Neus Esmel
Member of SESMI, Faculty of nursing, URV. Head in Esmel Therapy Center. (Tarragona/SP)
Mar López
Médico odontólogo. Máster en Terapia Neural y Odontología Neurofocal. (Girona/SP)
Prof. Arturo O`Byrne
Integrative Medicien, Universidad Javeriana. (Cali/CO)
Dra. Mar Begara
Medical doctor. Specialist in Pediatrics and Homeopathic Therapy, expert in Orthomolecular Nutrition and Microimmunotherapy. ICU, HM hospitals. Integrative Medicine Unit. (Madrid/SP)
Prof. María Jiménez-Herrera
PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology. Nurse Researched and expert on bioethics
Nursing Faculty, URV. (Tarragona/SP) Bio
Dr. Sergio Abanades
Médico especialista en Farmacología Clínica, Director y fundador del Instituto de Salud Integrativa y Consciente-ISIC. (Barcelona/SP)
Dra. Natalia Eres
Institute of health, medicine and holistic oncology IMOHE Barcelona-Lérida. (Barcelona/SP)
Dr. Oscar Aguilera
Translational Oncology Unit of the Jiménez Díaz Foundation. (Madrid/SP)
Prof. Phillippe Villeneuve
Université de Bourgogne. (París/FR) Bio
Prof. Salvador Cañigueral
Faculty of Pharmacy of the UB. (Barcelona/SP)
Prof. Erik Baars
Anthroposophic medicine/ integrative medicine at the University of Applied Sciences Leiden. (Driebergen/NL)
Cintia la Rosa
Midwife at hospital del Vendrell. (Tarragona/SP)
Prof Avni Sali
Founder and Director of the National Institute of Integrative Medicine (NIIM). (Melbourne/AU)
Prof. Pilar Muñoz Calero
Medical Doctor, specialized in Pediatrics, Neonatology, Stomatology and Addictions. Expert in Environmental Medicine. President of Fundación Alborada. (Madrid/SP)
Dra. Gilda Carvajal Rojas
Medical Doctor. Specialist in anesthesiology and resuscitation. Master in acupuncture. (Barcelona/SP)
Dra. Elena Giménez Forcada
PhD in Geological Sciences at the University of Granada. Titular Scientific Researcher in the Geological Survey of Spain (IGME). (Castellón/SP)
Dr. Armin Schwarzbach
Medical Doctor and Specialist for Laboratory Medicine, expert in diagnosing and treating infectious diseases. (Madrid/SP)
Valeria Santoro Lamelas
Psychologist, Master in Research in Social Psychology and Doctor in Psychology (UAB). Graduated in Public Health. (Barcelona/SP)
Daniel de la Serna
Physiotherapist and osteopath, Expert in Regenerative Therapy and Clinical Psychoneuroimmunology. (Madrid/SP)
Mugarra Bidea, Itxaso
Economista de la Salud con funciones de Técnica de Planificación y Gestión Sanitaria. Servicio de Investigación, Innovación y Formación. (Pamplona/SP)
Margaret Mary Hansen, Ed.D.
Professor Emerita of Nursing for the University of San Francisco. Provide leadership in research, education, and service as a valued contributor to the School of Nursing and Health Professions. (Boston/US)
Adriana Schwartz, M.D
Surgeon. Obstetrician gynecologist. University Expert in Ozone Therapy and Ozonized Concentrated Growth Factors. (Madrid/SP)
Dr. Juan Sabater Tobella
Doctor en Farmacia. Analista y fundador de la empresa EUGENOMIC. Pdte. de Honor de la Real Academia de Farmacia. (Barcelona/SP)
Mrs. Dolors Montserrat
Former Spanish Government Health Minister. Deputy of the European popular group. President of the ENVI commission in the European Parlament
Denise Rankin Box
Founding Editor and Editor in Chief of Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice
Dr. Juan Carlos Duran
Director del Programa de Salud Integrativa de Hospitales San Roque. Presidente de la Federación Española de Medicina Integrativa.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Willich
ESIM president (Berlin/DE)