Prof. Mary Jo Kreitzer

Prof. Mary Jo Kreitzer


University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. (US) Bio

Prof. Neus Esmel

Prof. Neus Esmel

Member of SESMI, Faculty of nursing, URV. Head in Esmel Therapy Center. (Tarragona/SP)


Prof. Jordi A. Jauset

Prof. Jordi A. Jauset

Professor and university researcher. Science writer of the effects of music on health and education. (Barcelona/SP)


Prof. Carmen Salgado

Prof. Carmen Salgado

Licenciada en farmacia, investigadora y asesora técnica en homeopatía y suplementación ortomolecular. Technical director “Herbarum Natura”. (Madrid/SP)


Dr. Gualberto Díaz

Dr. Gualberto Díaz

Homeopathic doctor and integrative oncologist in Medical Centers Conde Orgaz y Pinar. Editorial advisor. (Madrid/SP)


Prof. Arturo O`Byrne

Prof. Arturo O`Byrne

Integrative Medicien, Universidad Javeriana. (Cali/CO)


Prof. María Jiménez-Herrera

Prof. María Jiménez-Herrera

PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology. Nurse Researched and expert on bioethics

Nursing Faculty, URV. (Tarragona/SP) Bio

Prof. Josep Mª Comelles

Prof. Josep Mª Comelles

Medical Anthropology Research Center, Universitat Rovira i Virgili. (Tarragona/SP)


Prof. Thora J. Gunnardsdóthir

Prof. Thora J. Gunnardsdóthir

Faculty of Nursing, University of Iceland. (IS)


Prof. Avni Sali AM

Prof. Avni Sali AM

Founder and Director of the National Institute of Integrative Medicine (NIIM). (Melbourne/AU)
