Prof. Salvador Cañigueral
Faculty of Pharmacy of the UB. (Barcelona/SP) Bio

Dra. Alegria Montoro
Radiological Protection Service. University Hospital La Fe. (Valencia/SP)

Prof. Juan Serrano
Biologist, specialized in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Biologist Analyst at the Valencian Institute of Oncology (IVO), specialist in tumor and hormonal markers. Technical-executive Biological projects

Dr. Bernat Vanaclocha
Centre Natura. Fitoterapia, medicina naturista, acupuntura. Cita publicaciones y documentación SL. (Carlet Valencia/ES)

Prof. Madan Thangavelu
Genome Biologist. Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge. Research Director, European Ayurveda Association. (Cambridge/UK)

Prof. Pol De Saedeleer
Chairman of the European ILADS Committee . Board Director of ILADEF. (BG)

Prof. Carmen Salgado
Licenciada en farmacia, investigadora y asesora técnica en homeopatía y suplementación ortomolecular. Technical director “Herbarum Natura”. (Madrid/SP)

Dra. Lola de la Puerta
Integrative medicine and anti-aging health. (Madrid/SP)

Dra. Carmen Navarro
Micronutrition and Diet Therapy expert. Medical Director of the GAIA Clinic. Specialized consultation in Environmental Medicine. (Madrid/SP)