Tomàs Tegiacchi
Doctoral Student in biomedicine at the University of Girona, graduate in physiotherapy at the University of Salamanca in 2018, Oficial Master in traslational research in physiotherapy at the University of Gimbernat in 2017, diplomaed in Osteopathy at the Escuela del Concepto Osteopatico in 2017, diplomaed in physiotherapy at the Fundació Universitaria del Bages in 20017 and diplomaed in Acupuncture at the Centro de Estudios de Naturopatia y Acupuntura in 2009.
Teacher in Postgraduate of acupuncture and pain treatment at the University of Gimbernat since 2016, teacher in Máster and Postgraduate of the University of Lleida between 2010 and 2016. Member of Acupuncture Council of Col.legi de FIsioterapeutes de Catalunya since 2010. Coordinator of this Council between 2012 and 2017.
Clinical practice at the center Regenera Palafrugell since 2017 and Medical Center Alguersuari in Sabadell between 2007 and 2017.