Adriana Schwartz, M.D
Cirujano. Ginecóloga obstetra. Experto Universitario en Ozonoterapia y Factores de Crecimiento Concentrado Ozonizados. Experto en células madre (médula ósea y de SVF). Director de la Unidad del Dolor del Centro de Manejo de Dolor Clínico de Fiorela España y Honduras. Directora y Editora del Global Journal de Ozonoterapia. Autora de varios artículos científicos y libros.
M.D. Surgeon. Obstetrician gynecologist. University Expert in Ozone Therapy and Ozonized Concentrated Growth Factors. Expert in stem cell (bone marrow and from SVF). Interventionist expert in ultrasound in musculoskeletal infiltrations. Master in anesthesia and regional analgesia guided by echography and fluoroscopy.
Director of the Pain Management Unit of the Clinical Pain Management Center Fiorela Spain and Honduras.
Director of International Diploma Course on Ozonetherapy and Concentrated Growth Factors and Stem Cell. 1th, 2nd, 3th, and currently 4th edition.
Director and Editor of the Ozone-therapy Global Journal. ISSN: 2659-8647 indexed in LATINDEX, DIALNET and DULCINEA. Peer review.
Author of several scientific papers and books. The most recently (2017) Clinical Manual of Ozone-therapy ISBN 978-84-617-9394-5
President of Medical Spanish Scientific Association of Ozonetherapy, Aepromo. www.aepromo.org
President of International Federation of Ozonetherapy IMEOF www.imeof.org
Scientific Secretary of International Scientific Committee of Ozonetherapy, ISCO3. www.isco3.org
Has practiced medicine for more than 35 years in different continents: Africa, Latin America, Asia and Europe under the umbrella of different intergovernmental agencies. Former officer of United Nations.
Speaks several languages: Russian, English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.